Tuesday, February 14, 2012

El hogar es donde está el corazón

"Welcome Home Guys".  That was what the handsome young man at the Miami Airport Customs said to Sharon and I as we handed him our passports.  I thanked him and thought for a moment.  I was real eager to see my son his new wife, my two step kids their spouses the 3 grandchildren and friends in Oregon but my home was now Cuenca, Ecuador.  

I was born and lived for 45 years in New York City.  I moved to Oregon and lived there for 21 years. Oregon felt like home after a short time and now Cuenca feels like home.  ¿Por qué  It may be a cliche or corny but home is where the heart is.  My heart is in Cuenca.

Sharon and I had a wonderful trip. I got to buy my new MacBook Air and Sharon got to bring back all her fabric for her quilting projects.  We visited with friends and family and met Connie, Robb's new wife. 

We  flew on 12 planes traveled two continents, 3 countries, 4 states and 3 cities.  I got to overdose on Pad Thai and Peets' Caramel Lattes.  It's back to Español,  pitahaya and maracuya.

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