Sunday, July 31, 2011

Streets Closed For Family Activities

It's always fun to walk to El Centro (Old Town) and people watch.  Today, there were 3 or  4 major activities and most of the main streets were closed to cars and buses. It was nice being able to walk down the cobblestone avenues and not be concerned about dodging taxis.  There were several races but my favorite site (its at the 1:28 of the youtube video) was putting exercise ropes at one of the pedestrian bridges on the Tomebamba River.

I took a different route home and I got to see two beautiful churches that I've never been in. Watch for my next video on the Churches of Cuenca.


  1. Great Pics!!! Loved the music!

    Thank you!


  2. I think you totally need to buy a plant when you see him next! :o)
    the churches are so beautiful, and your video is really good, the music is a great addition!
